
Diamondhard in the Classroom

Project 1: From Melissa “I love coming up with a theme for my classroom. I use Diamondhard on all of my projects for my theme. I normally keep the same theme for a few years so I expect what I make over the summer to hold-up. After my school district painted my room, I decided…

Majic Paints in Review

Yenkin-Majestic has been a leading manufacturer of Majic Paints for over 90 years providing consumers with outstanding, high-quality coatings for all surfaces. Paints and coatings are created especially for ease of use for homeowners with quality in mind. The paints and coatings not only provide good coverage of items, but also are manufactured to specifications…

Why are Tractors Red?

When it came to turn of the century farming, practicality was king. Everything done was done for a reason, even the colors chosen for farm equipment. Many folks are familiar with the bright red color of tractors manufactured in the 1930s, but most people are not aware that even the color red was specifically chosen…